Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What are you doing?

It is funny how, as Christians, we know what we are suppose to do, the right answers and what is important, but for some reason we don't always reflect these beliefs in our lives. For instance we all know that the Bible is very important and is inspired by God himself, yet how many of us read it on a normal basis?

Growing up in a Christian home was great for me. I have very Godly parents and they were a big help in me growing up. I am so thankful for them. However, growing up in church I tended to memorized answers, I always knew the right answer to every questions. I was an all-star at playing church. My dad was the pastor so I knew my books of the bible, I knew scripture, and I even knew big fancy words that could impress people during prayers. The only thing that was missing was a good Christian walk with Christ. I was a Christian, but I was not doing anything for Christ. I got my salvation and grace, but I did not give anything back. Their was no sacrifice for me. I definitely did not "take up my cross daily". (Luke 9:23)

I fear this is how most students and kids grow up in church. I have known and met so many people that tell me they really didn't get Christianity and what a relationship with Christ looked like until they got out of high school. What are we waiting for to get serious about our walk with Christ? Maybe you are waiting until you settle down for marriage, maybe you are just "building your testimony". Whatever the case is why not start now? I am pretty sure there is not a scripture in the Bible that says, "Get saved at 6. Go to church for 14 years then start to get serious about your walk with God." In Romans 12:1 Paul says, " I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living SACRIFICE, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." Paul tells us to be a living sacrifice. Normally when something is sacrificed it dies.

We are to give God all of us, to not hold back anything. We must trust him in every situation, no matter what the situation is. If you hold parts of your life back you will struggle much more than you will if you give everything to God. Wouldn't it be great to see God one day and he tell you, "You messed up some and were disobedient, but you were a living sacrifice you gave your everything for me."

If you grew up in church and you know all the right answers, but you feel like your relationship is hardly there then I can try to help you out. I don't know the answer to change everything, but I can tell you were to look and where to start. As a Christian you must be reading your Bible. It is God's word. We have it for a reason. Spend time talking with him, praying, you can't have a relationship with someone without talking with that person. Lastly, be a sacrifice for him daily. Wake up each morning and die to yourself, your ways and surrender to God fully and follow him. This might take swallowing your pride, but His ways are far better than your ways.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isiah 55:9


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